Outdoor Life

Inspired: Jan / Feb 2015

When I started the blog back in November of last year, I knew that I was in need of inspiration. I was stressed about my job and in a rut, just going through the motions of everyday life. I had this pent up energy that was dragging me down. I knew that being in the mountains made me happy and I wanted to somehow invite that mountain high into my everyday life. So I created Alpine Lily. By surrounding myself with all things outdoors, joining social networks, reading outdoor blogs and writing, I immersed myself in a world I was always somewhat a part of, but never fully. So I shared my stories and put myself out there, and in doing so, I found my people. And let me tell you, these people are truly inspiring.

Here are some of the people and things that have been inspiring me lately:

female-solo-hikingThe Case for Females Hiking Solo
After discovering the amazing community over at the Outdoor Women’s Alliance, I offered to write a guest piece for them about hiking solo. I had previously written about hiking alone on the blog, but I wanted to write something different, something honest and open about how I became a confident solo hiker. I had no idea what the response would be. I feared people would say I was crazy or stupid, or that I was encouraging women to do something dangerous. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I was bombarded with an overwhelmingly positive response. Women from all over the world commented to say that they’ve been solo hiking for years and they love it because it empowers them. Wow. These women are inspiring. OWA website, facebook, twitter

More Great Outdoor Communities I Discovered for Women:
Misadventures / She Explores / Rad Girls Collective / Hike Like a Women / Outdoor Book Club

4cfd1f07-e121-4998-b863-9033a6e3d20aMelissa Arnot at The Mountaineers
I went to hear Melissa speak at the Mountaineers in Seattle. She is a world-renowned professional mountain guide. She started guiding on Mt Rainier and since then has climbed Mt Rainier over 100 times, summited Mt Everest five times (she’s the record holder) and has climbed many other prominent peaks around the world. She spoke about how she got started climbing, some trials on Mt Everest and the non-profit she runs, The Juniper Fund. With all her accomplishments she has a quiet humbleness about her that I admire. You can bet she will show up on my Trailblazers segment, but for now you should follow her and be inspired. website, facebook, twitter



Niaqornat_webImaging the Arctic at The Nordic Heritage Museum     
This exhibit is a collaboration of three women with different disciplines: scientist Dr. Kristen Laidre, artist Maria Corywell-Martin and photographer Tiina Itkonen and showcases Greenland and the effects of climate change on the delicate and beautiful Arctic environment. Maria’s beautiful field artwork and Tiina’s stunning photographs are accompanied with the science of a polar bear’s claw and the details of what a narwhal tusk looks like. Maria’s watercolor paintings made me want to bundle up and go outside to paint. If you are in Seattle you can see the exhibit until Febuary 22. website



FullSizeRender-1Art of the American West at Tacoma Art Museum  
The new exhibit at the Tacoma Art Museum shows the complicated and beautiful history of the artwork of the west. The collection spans 300 years, beginning with the romanticized and dramatic pieces often painted by Europeans who had not even stepped foot in America. Some pieces are accompanied by comments made by Native Americans on how their people were incorrectly portrayed. Contemporary paintings, like the one shown here, light up the space with their brilliant bright colors. website, facebook, twitter



Island+on+Fire_CVRIsland on Fire by Alexandra Witze and Jeff Kanipe
I went to see Alexandra and Jeff at Seattle Town Hall as part of their science lecture series. I was super interested in this book since it is about two of my favorite things: volcanoes and Iceland. They presented a fascinating and entertaining story of the volcano that changed the world, Iceland’s Laki. The 1793 eruption lasted for eight months and had lasting effects on Europe for many years to come. I’m excited to read the book and learn the whole story.





trailshowThe Trail Show Podcast
I just discovered this podcast and it might be my favorite thing ever. Basically, it’s four long distance hikers chatting about beer, favorite trails and well, hiking. They just have great conversation and let us listen in. I appreciate the Princess of Darkness’ female point of view and I love that they talk about hiking books. But my favorite is their gear reviews. They’ve reviewed tin foil, plastic bags and Gatorade bottles, you know, the really important stuff. When I listen to them I feel like I’m back on the East coast with my best buds chatting about the trails. facebook, twitter


Upcoming Events:

BeWild Series at The Mountaineersa8363732-3c29-4c47-9aa5-5aba1aa04b34
I’m excited to attend the BeWild speaker series at the Mountaineers in Seattle. Topics include paddling the Columbia from source to sea, a life of climbing, night photography and the joys of sagebrush country.


What I’ve Been Reading:

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New Books I’m Excited to Read:

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Coming Soon on the Blog:

Volcanoes! / Spring Road Trips / Camp Reads: Wolf Edition / Edibles & Gardening / More!

What has been inspiring YOU lately? Have you recently discovered an inspiring person, read a great book or attended an exciting event? Tell me about it in the comments!

  • jill i

    I really like what you’re doing with your blog. You are inspiring! Thanks for the tip on the Nordic Heritage Museum, I will head there in the next day or two before it closes.

  • alpinelily

    Thanks, Jill!

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